Advanced App Management - Layman's Series

Advanced App Management - Layman's Series

Note: The following applies manged via Omerta's Mobile Device Management & does not apply to individuals who've bought a sole phone.

The Challenge

People today want both their personal and work apps on one phone. But for businesses, this is a balancing act: keeping company data safe while still letting employees have their privacy. To solve this, we've made different setups depending on what you or your company needs.

Different Setups for Different Needs:

  1. COBO (Just for Work): This setup is like a work-only phone. Only work apps are allowed, and the company has full control.
  2. FMDWP (Work & Personal Mix): Here, the company owns the phone, but you can have your personal apps too. Work-related stuff is kept in a separate, secure space.
  3. Separated Apps (Special for Samsung): Using Samsung's Knox system, this lets you have a special folder for certain business apps. The company decides which apps go in this folder, but you can still have your own apps outside it.
  4. WP-C (New Mix): This is a newer setup from Android 11. The company owns the phone, but you can still have personal apps. Work stuff is kept in a separate area, making sure both company data and your privacy are respected.
  5. BYOD (Your Phone, Your Rules...Sort of): In this model, you bring your own phone to work. Work apps are kept separate for easier management by the company, while you still enjoy your personal apps.

Special Features for Infiniti Phones:

For those with Infiniti phones, there's an extra secure work profile called Knox. This gives companies more control to:
  1. Decide what data can be shared between personal and work sections.
  2. Set special rules for the work area, like controlling Bluetooth or USB connections.
  3. Choose easy ways to spot work apps, like special icons.
  4. Make sure passwords are strong and safe.
  5. Lock the work section if needed, like if the phone is lost.

In Short:

Different companies have different needs. So, whether you want a phone just for work, a mix of work and personal, or to use your own phone, there's a setup for that.

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