How to check data usage & data left on your Omerta phone

How to check data usage & data left on your Omerta phone

How to check data usage & data left on your Omerta phone

Mobile data allows you to gain wireless access to the Internet when you are not connected to Wi-Fi. Your mobile data allowance will depend on the contract that you have with your network provider and you may be charged if you go over your allowance. If you are consistently running out of data or are looking to increase your data allowance, you will need to contact your network provider.

Omerta provides you with plenty of tools to help you manage your mobile data, set data limits and control which apps are allowed to use your allowance. 

How do I switch mobile data on and off?

You can easily switch your mobile data on or off through the quick settings. You can access your quick settings by swiping down from two points at the top of the screen.

Then tap the Mobile data icon to turn it on or off.

How to check how much data you have used

Please note: The mobile data usage tracker is designed give you an estimation of data used in a monthly cycle, to help you manage your allowance. If you wish to check how much data you have used in a different time period (day/week), please contact your network operator.

  1. Swipe up from your home screen, to access your apps
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Tap Connections
  4. Tap Data usage
  5. The amount of mobile data you have used will be displayed

Data usage display

By default, your data usage will be tracked from the start to the end of the month before being reset. If you wish, you can change the start date to align with the date your allowance is refreshed by your network provider.

Change Report Date Range

  1. Tap Billing cycle and data warning

  1. Tap Start billing cycle on

  1. Tap Start billing cycle on

  1. Change the starting date to the date that your allowance is refreshed. You can find this out by contacting your network provider

  1. Tap Set
  2. Once you've set a new start date for your billing cycle it can take up to a month to begin reflecting your data usage more accurately, depending on your billing date.

Which of my apps uses the most mobile data and can I stop it?

Any app that requires an internet connection will start using your mobile data if your phone is not connected to a Wi-FI network. You can check how much data each of your apps are using on the data usage settings menu by tapping Mobile data usage.

Tap mobile data usage

If an app is using up too much of your data, you can choose to restrict it by preventing it from using mobile data while running in the background.

Swipe up on your home screen, to access your apps

Tap Settings

Tap Apps

Tap the app that you want to restrict

Tap Mobile data

Tap the switch next to Allow background data usage

Please note: By restricting the background usage some features of the app may not work. For example, you would no longer receive notifications from Facebook when something happens on your profile unless the app is open

How do I check how much mobile data I have left and set a limit?

Your mobile data allowance is provided by your network operator, and smartphones cannot automatically recognise how much data you have to use each month. 

You can see how much mobile data you have left by checking how much mobile data you have used in your billing cycle and comparing it against your allowance.

To ensure that you never go over your allowance, Samsung can provide you with a data warning when you have used a certain amount or set a data limit that will automatically turn off your mobile data when you have reached a specified limit.

  1. Open the data usage page in your Settings

  1. Tap Billing cycle and data warning
  2. Tap the switch next to Set data warning to receive a notification when you have used a certain amount of data
  3. Tap Data warning to choose when you want to be warned about your usage
  4. Tap the switch next to Set data limit to automatically turn off your mobile data when you have used a specified amount
  5. Tap Data limit to choose when you want your mobile data to switch off

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